Ricky Coogin

Looks like my offsite job is going to continue for the time being, plus there's the possibility of plenty more work from other clients. I've got more money in my bank account since maybe ever.

I figured he was going to bunk with that pigeon lady from Home Alone 2.

Last night I started watching the BBC version of Pennies from Heaven and Kenneth Colley, aka Admiral Piett, plays a homeless accordion player in the first episode. He looks pretty fucked-up compared to an Imperial officer. It's amazing - these actors! It's like they can pretend to be two different kinds of people! And


I don't understand this whole "green Earth" movement. Why should we let things be better for the future generations?

He meant to say "cousins." It's just Shelbyville Manhattan.

I turned 40 on Sunday. In 1996, I was in my second year of college. Nostalgia has now gone past my younger years.

Those blintzes were lousy!

Maybe this whole "I'm retiring" bit just means he's going to start making movies as "Danielle Day-Lewis."

I agree. WE GET IT, jokes that stereotype women, minorities, and gays are not okay anymore. Only jokes about rich white men, because comedy is all about righting wrongs and bringing the power back to the little guy.

I read this this morning and imagined the roofers running away Three Stooges-style.

It's the equivalent of watching an '80s comedy with someone pointing out all the sexist and racist and gay jokes.

I can't remember the source, but the quote was something about trusting in the Lord rather than your own understanding and letting him guide you. It sounded like something you'd put on a poster.

"Hey! What was that in there? Spoiled little pricks…"

I always ended up falling for big-time Christians. My supreme crush in high school put a Bible quote in my yearbook (how impersonal), became a missionary after high school, and got married by age 20.

I finally watched Predator 2 not long after Paxton's death. I love the first film but the sequel got terrible reviews. It's not a great film, but it's still a solid action B-picture.

I preferred to judge people according to what music they listened to.

I had kind of a crush on a girl named Molly in high school. I voted her "Best Dressed" because she had a penchant for striped Bardot tops.

That was the original concept, which ended up being the look they used for the T-1000. Blackie Lawless of the band W.A.S.P. claims he was considered until they found out he was taller than Arnold. Robert Patrick is just under six feet tall, I think.

My Crazy Friend made the burgers for our party last weekend and they were terrible. He bought a shitload of ground beef and added adobo, four eggs (I had to remind him to beat them before adding them to the meat), and probably a cup of Magnum 40 malt liquor, which he was drinking at the time. He got irritated when I