Ricky Coogin

They're all trash! They deserve to die! This is the New Order! Where the strong hunt the weak!

I enjoy it, but it's certainly not "underrated." It's a real disappointment compared to the first two films.

I cry and pray, Mon Dieu!
Mon Dieu! Mon Dieu!

It's the RIGHT kind of love
You're the RIGHT kind of girl
It's the RIGHT kind of night…

I haven't seen it in decades. All I remember is:

I had no idea she's as well-known as a jazz singer as she is as an actress. This was such a strange part for her.

They still are. My Crazy Friend was one about 20 years ago.

"Dude, we've been totally lied to by our album covers."

"Well, I think the fries are about done."

Nah, that's the one where in the opening scene, a big bald guy comes at Clint Eastwood with a buck knife in a prison cell and says he's about to carve him up some fa**ot wings.

Now none of you has an excuse to not have seen Cobra. Get to it.

How about Winston and Piglet?

Though a few people have made edits, my Wikipedia plot summary of Superman III stays intact.

So is there a part about them making exciting underwear?

I'm hoping someone has the guts to tell everyone how he deserves to die, in graphic detail!

If anyone is interested, Sonny Landham has lost both his legs and is living in poverty. He has a GoFundMe.

Poor Kevin Peter Hall. Died at age 35. Caught AIDS from a blood transfusion. He has a cameo in the film as a helicopter pilot.

I more talked about the costume design.

Bill Duke is a fun guy to talk to. We met at Elmer Bernstein's wake and talked about A Rage in Harlem, which he directed.

They should try promoting Hormel pork tenderloins. Wow, are they good.