Ricky Coogin

Does the A.V. Club's employee medical and dental plans extend to imaginary offspring?

I kill rich dinosaurs like you!

"Sigh….here, use my back, victim."

Maybe they meant the scenes by the train yards, where a drunk engineer throws Eddie a crate of lobster and later a bum offers him a blow job.

King had a tendency to have his white characters say things in stereotypical black dialect when he wanted them to sound cool, e.g., "That sho felt fine." I can deal with Richie's racist characters because a) he's a kid, b) he's supposed to be annoying, and c) racial humor was mainstream at the time.

In other news, one of the guys who played baby Oscar in Ghostbusters II killed himself.

I'm lucky in that I pay reasonable rent for a place that's big enough for me and in a very cool neighborhood.

I worked on the advertising campaign for Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle, and I found the personal cell phone numbers for the three stars in a production guide and added them to my phone for a week as a joke.

I think in the movie, Gertie asks if he's a boy or a girl and Elliott says he's a boy, but I presume that's only because Elliott's a boy and doesn't want to be hanging around some girl, even if it's an alien.

When we grew up and went to school, there were certain teachers,
who would hurt the children any way they could.
By pouring out their derision, upon anything we did,
exposing every weakness, however carefully hidden by the kids.

You were only a block from where they filmed the saloon bomb from the beginning of The Untouchables and Dillinger's girlfriend's apartment in Public Enemies.

Deputy Van Halen?

"Smile, guys. Pretend you're at Commie's wake."

Not Your Father's Root Beer has become a popular microbrew here. I love root beer, but thankfully it costs like $10 a sixpack, so I rarely buy it.

There's a restaurant in my neighborhood that specializes in Southern cuisine. I took my dad there for Thanksgiving and it was the most expensive dinner I ever paid for. They have a rhubarb julep for $10 that I'd like to try. I've never had a mint julep before, but I love rhubarb.

People always complain about how cyclists ignore the rules of the road, but every time I obey a stop sign and wait for a car to go because it's their turn, the drivers all look at me like I'm nuts.

Realized I have more money in the bank than I have had in ten years, and maybe in my life (when it wasn't about to be withdrawn to buy a car or something). Also, except for a relatively small student loan, everything is paid up and I have zero balance on my cards. Plus I have had several clients email me wanting me to

Prince - Delirious

Sunday is my 40th birthday.

Just one.