Ricky Coogin

I like when he lays down on the floor and spins around like a pinwheel.

He had Samuel L. in one film, but he fell asleep in the getaway car.

"My ass is covered for eternity after I do this one."

"A lot of people hate this hat. It angers a lot of people, just the sight of it. I'll tell you a story about that on the way to school."

If Elfman wrote it, he'd sample her singing and turn it into some demon choir.

And maybe a harmonica.

Want to know how cool I was when I was in school? Whenever they did those state aptitude tests, I checked the box for "Eskimo" for my race.

I enjoy the opening cue as well as the cue for Gus hacking into the computers.

I didn't know until the big boxed set came out that he wrote any music for the film. They sure plundered the hell out of his score for the second film.

If Mancini wrote it, it would be called "Something for Putter."

Williams composed the themes for both Nuclear Man and Lacey.

The music for Zod is from the first film…you can hear it briefly during their sentencing.

I just saw the Chicago Symphony perform the score with the film playing on a screen above the orchestra.

The theme from Lost…for those who wanted something simpler and briefer than the Seinfeld theme.

I wonder how many people want to travel to the dimension where Burton had to go with his second choice as the Joker, Tim Curry.

I saw it for the first time just after Paxton died.


Wearing a T-shirt is worse than not wearing one. It pretty much says "I'm a Fat Guy and I'm Ashamed of How I Look." Though nobody in my family would ever buy it if I were to claim I'm all of a sudden happy with my body.

Do I Make Myself Clear? by Harold Evans and Iron Ambition: My Life With Cus D'Amato by Mike Tyson and Larry "Ratso" Sloman. Just finished William Knoedelseder's I'm Dying Up Here.

I just went 18 hours without eating.