Ricky Coogin

Everything I have read about Madonna makes her sound like a complete fucking bitch. This is far from the worst of it, but she tried to get Beatty to get a tummy tuck and when he demurred, she said, "Fine, look like a fat old man."

I didn't learn that joke till I was in college and one of my friends freshman year was a total JAP. She even constructed a sukkah in her dorm room.

The Winnebago model was part of an exhibit at Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry back in 1987. They also had a model of Skeletor's ship from Masters of the Universe, but the big draw was one of the animatronic sharks from Jaws: The Revenge.

"Women are often attracted to money and power, and I have BOTH!"

The waitress in that scene was incredibly cute and was played by Dey Young, who played Riff in "Rock and Roll High School" and Maria Conchita Alonso's co-worker ("you're lucky he didn't rape you then kill you") in "The Running Man."


While I bitch probably too much about Trump comments here, this is right on target.

"What?? You went over my helmet?"

Do you remember the teaser trailer? It was shot specially for the film.

That one scene is pretty fake, though. I don't think you can stab someone, especially a fat man, in the torso with a soldering iron and expect it to incapacitate him. The guy is also just a little too rude…at one point, he demands money even when they decide not to buy something, which puts us in the uncomfortable

I took a girl on a first date to see "Hard Candy" and she loved it and told me she had been molested as a child and it was a major catharsis for her.

He's one of those guys I can't help but be nervous around. Not so much for Henry, but more for Mississippi Burning. What a great actor.

"Otis. Plug it in."

“Nachos, Flanders style! Cucumbers and cottage cheese!”

I appreciate the cinematography (by Vittorio Storaro, no less) that uses the primary colors of a comic strip.

I never had a thing for Madonna and always wondered why he didn't just go for Tess. Though I did like her "I'm wearing black underwear" line.

I'll bet your mother wishes she had bought one for you. Gene's mother does.

I did the scene when Ruprecht is introduced.

Is your avatar from the ad for the Banana Jr. 6000?

I minored in Theatre in college and while my fellow students were doing big serious scenes like Jack Nicholson's speech from A Few Good Men, I acted and directed the Ruprecht scene (with myself as Ruprecht) for my final project.