Ricky Coogin

"Possums are at the bottom of the food chain. All they have going for them is a bad attitude." - My friend

It did knock over stuff and it liked to climb on the back of the couch and mess around with your ears and hair. Its name was Benjamin (as in The Graduate).

And Martin looks both worried and kind of crushed, because he knows now that she considers him an idiot and not to be trusted with any sort of dialogue.

I had such a crush on her as Tess Trueheart. Red hair and those '30s vintage clothes. The tweety voice was cute as well.

I have a friend who does wildlife rehab and I got to make friends with a raccoon and a possum that were both pretty personable.

I've seen several interviews and he comes across like a really fun guy. I first ran across him in a 1987 episode of Highway to Heaven where he played Satan running a hellish sandwich shop.

"All right, everybody get to the house for a drink. You want to refresh those cocktails, right? The ice is melting. Hurry! Go up. Follow the path around the house. Keep going, keep going, I'll be right up there.

Michael Berryman says, "Back off!"

Remember when they would occasionally release movies on colored VHS tapes? I think the trend began with E.T. (green) to defeat video pirates. The Hunt for Red October was red and I think The Firm was blue. I never saw Sliver, but I think it had a colored cassette as well.

The poster artist here, Kyle Lambert, is clearly a Drew Struzan fan.

King Curtis when he did his concert at the Fillmore West. Listen to his version of "A Whiter Shade of Pale" and try not to go apeshit:

I'd kind of like to see an Elvis impersonator perform once in my life.

I figured he's just trying to look like James Dean in Rebel Without a Cause.

Isn't cement soccer the game that Hussein's kids made the Iraqi soccer team play when they didn't win a game? Before he had them beat up and submerged them in raw sewage to ensure infections?

Should have waited for a reboot of Gus, the movie with the mule that becomes a field-goal kicker.

"Yeah, whaddya want?" (dickish smile)

Damn, I'm going to be listening to some Morphine today, that's for sure.

"Le Petomane Thruway?! Now, what'll that asshole think of next? Does anybody got a dime? Somebody's gotta go back and get a shitload of dimes!"

Not one of you guys would want to see Elvis perform?

Sometimes it feels like there's no hope, and sometimes I tell myself I'm being ridiculous. I'm glad my posts have helped you because most of the time I wish I could delete my account here and start with a new one, but I know people would eventually figure out who I was even if I didn't start talking about imaginary