Ricky Coogin

The article mentioned that Arnold doesn't exactly blend into a crowd.

Fun fact: Blackie Lawless was considered to play the T-1000 in Terminator 2, but he was taller than Schwarzenegger and James Cameron wanted to go back to his original concept of the Terminator as a man with average size and appearance so he could blend in to society.

It's fucking with a lot of people's livelihood.

One time (and I mean ONE time), I used my friend's placard to park in a handicapped space. Often I'd drive his car without using my feet.

"A lot of people would say, 'Hey, she's been going 'round with homosexuals, she turned her back on righteousness.'"

Let him go!

Whenever I won a board game against my little brother, I would always say:

Ah, Reading Rainbow…let's learn about how great it is to read books…by watching a TV show.

I probably should not have said it on here even in an informational way, but yes, whenever The Smoking Gun or another news site posts a video of a black person who trashes a fast food restaurant because they left the pickles on the burger, someone usually calls it "chimping out" and someone else says something about

Thanks for your post. I think more people here would be glad to see me gone than have me stick around, though, even if I decided to keep quiet about a certain 5-year-old who dresses like it's 1955.

He hasn't had his trial yet.

I'm sorry I called you a meatloaf, Jack.

I want to end my life in the next couple of weeks, probably on or around my 40th birthday. Things don't get better after age 40 when you don't have any of the building blocks people my age have, like a mortgage, a wife/husband, kids, and a career.

I loved the show as a kid and was horrified by a few episodes. One was called "The Pied Piper from Space" and all the children turned to zombies with all white eyes and their parents were helpless to stop them. In another, Gentleman Jim started turning people into ghosts and in one scene, he appeared on the Justice

Man, her in that princess dress in that fantasy with Bowie in Labyrinth….

Meaning if you tell people you don't like yourself, nobody wants to talk to you or be around you anymore.

I'll suck your big one, as soon as you learn to use a comma! I don't comment about the capitalization.

I've been told I look like Will Sasso and Brian Urlacher (he probably meant a fat, out of shape one before Urlacher got hair transplants). I doubt I'd get far with info from people named Mohammed or Hector.

The companies still send flyers at least once a week. The people in my building take them out of their mailbox and throw them on the floor of the foyer. Sometimes I check the address and toss them in front of their door. They do the same with all their mail, no matter how personal it is. In the last two weeks, I've

"I am now one of the Dark Overlords of the Universe. Tonight, the laser beam made me hit the Nexus of Sominus. It lies beyond the planets. It is a region of demons, to which we Dark Overlords were exiled eons ago! Just as you were brought down here accidentally, tonight, the laser beam released me from that region of