Ricky Coogin

I think he says, "You can be my wingman anytime."

Nobody. Everyone you talk to has a social cost to it.

We'd miss the House of Mud.

I rewatched the scene and enjoyed that since I read the Post most days.

He was also good in a small role in The Terminator. And I don't just mean getting thrown across the room.

"Do you know what room the final Chemistry exam is in?"

You can tell Goose is the straight one because he keeps his shirt on.

He should have been a bigger star. He was good-looking, at the very least he was good at comedy. Instead, we got Dan Cortese.

I wish that asshole had never made that speech (which he didn't even write).

I've curtailed it a fair amount and I figure it would probably be best if I didn't say anything about it again, even when baited by others.

I'll do my best to sum up:

1995 me is on his way to his high school graduation playing this piece from John Williams's score from Born on the Fourth of July (starting at 2:08):

And then I'd get mocked by those here who make jokes about how I can't die because I have an imaginary daughter to take care of. Or how I'm turning this place into my diary. I wish I had never told anyone anything personal about me since people are either annoyed by my depression or find it funny.

I'm very sorry if you thought my post was making light of yours. That's the last thing I meant.

More like "You're a funny little boy."

I'm not mocking you. I meant what I said.

Just remember that the last laugh is on you.

Same here. I'm losing hope and with my 40th birthday on the horizon, checking out seems like the natural thing to do since I don't really have any reasons to live. I've felt this way the last couple of weeks but when I said anything, people here laughed at me and told me I'd orphan my imaginary daughter or some other

Miles Davis, In a Silent Way

These movies killed my crush on Natalie Portman.