Ricky Coogin

You must be one of the Sleazebagganos.

CelebHeights says he's just under 5'7" (they actually estimate to the quarter inch and take into account the thickness of their shoe soles in pics).

Yeah, but so is Jesse Camp.

"Wow, a police chase!"

Yeah, but "chimping out" is usually a racist phrase used when people view footage of black people throwing tantrums in public.

No, my brother and I his ex are both chemists. I THINK it was heroin, but it might have been another Schedule I drug. My brother said they would see the needle (or however it was given) and start begging like a dog.

My brother and his ex-girlfriend have worked in research labs where they used chimps (sometimes they even administered heroin, which the chimps loved). They said they would put Disney movies on to entertain the primates, but they'd go apeshit if there was any scene of violence.

Without looking it up, it seems he's able to lock himself in a stationary position while in outer space while he whips the net around and around, as if he's standing on a spinning disc (probably how it was filmed).

I could have done without the smack.

Buttery Pat! I need more pans!

Maybe it was from Dobber's. Every pasty I've had in my life was homemade…I'm not a Yooper, but half my family is.

Shut up, you Irish bug.

It couldn't hold a candle to mine.

I was going to say "Feel better, Lard Ass…I mean Hard Hat!" but that seemed a bit disrespectful.

His first name is Walter, but he's a Jr. and his father was known as Stacy as well.

"Whose moronic idea was it to order dry beers?"

You forgot pasties in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Porketta, too.

They know how us kids like them EXTRA sloppy!

"Do you see that, kids? That's the St. Louis Arch. The Gateway to the West. It's over 600 feet tall, and there's an elevator all the way to the top. That's 60 stories to you and me."

I looked it up myself thinking the same thing, and either one is OK. The Wikipedia entry says "young."