Ricky Coogin

Did you end up with one really muscular arm and one normal arm from all that scooping?

My imaginary daughter couldn't agree more, with exceptions for Sock Monkey and Daddy.

Marionette strings are dangerous things
I thought of all the trouble they bring

Then again, for a brief while in elementary school, I thought "ass" meant "penis." I think I also very briefly thought saying something "reeked" meant it was cool.

Unfortunately, it has nothing to do with Michael O'Donoghue.

This sucks. I was planning on getting tickets.

Some girls like to buy new shoes
And others like driving trucks and wearing tattoos

And may your first child be a masculine child.

Hey, it's that book I pretended to read in high school, along with Mrs. Mike, The Good Earth, and A Separate Peace.

I wear the chain I forged in life. I made it, link by link and yard by yard. I girded it on of my own free will, and of my own free will, I wore it. Is its pattern strange to you? Or would you know the length and weight of the strong coil you bear yourself? It was as full and heavy and as long as this seven Christmas

They already cleaned the film up. Originally, the graffiti on their office at Columbia University read VENKMAN SUCKS COCKS IN HELL.

"You know what he told me about you? He's calling you names. He called you a little piece of chicken."

I heard the word plenty growing up, but it always meant "nerd." I remember Stephen King used it in It to describe a minor character in an elementary school locker room putting on a "jock strap over a dork roughly the size of an anemic peanut."

I remember them cutting the word "dork" out of Teen Wolf when it was on network TV. Never in my life outside of the movie Heavy Metal have I heard anyone use "dork" as a synonym for "penis."

Dirty like…


I once watched part of GoodFellas on Spike and they did a pretty good job of cleaning it up.

I prefer Put It Where It Doesn't Belong.

Mother pus bucket.

I'm guessing these are for the sort of people who think that people go to movies to hear a lot of swearing.