Ricky Coogin

Whew, at first I thought they renamed the Roxy on the Sunset Strip.

Did she also slap you after Superman saved your cat Frisky from the tree?

I'm heading over to the Australian and Hawaiian Internationals, and then me and Mick are going to wing on over to Chicago and jam with the Stones! And you guys are invited too!

And we had no idea who we were then!
Gay, straight, asexual, bi, or trans men
Looks like we could use a man like Barack Obama again

Mine came with four free movies. I think they were Stepmom; Six Days, Seven Nights; Lethal Weapon 4; and something else.

I think all the Germans are played by real Germans speaking their native language.

"Hey, look, it's one of those losers from THE A.V. CLUB!"

I was so stupid that:

For some reason, I always remember the Nazi war room had a chalkboard with nothing on it but a small swastika and the words "Sieg Heil."

"Yo, let's go have breakfast. And what do we eat for breakfast?"

"I have to give you your dream shot. You two characters….are going to Top Gun."

Then you'll like that John Landis's signature line, "See you next Wednesday," appears even in Twilight Zone: The Movie. One of the Nazis says it to another in German in the Vichy France sequence.

I think "Thunderball" is only mentioned in the film as the name of the SPECTRE operation to hijack the missiles.

I probably scared The Living Daylights out of her.

Whenever Superman caught all those ICBMs in that giant net and started swinging it around and around, i imagined the net tearing and hundreds of nuclear missiles falling down to Earth.

"You're saying they're spies like us?"

"Would anyone tell me If I was gettin'…stupider?"
- Faith No More

Sometimes she really looked like hell, but other times, she looked amazing.

Maybe he's just having Fred "The Hammer" Williamson on his show and wanted to ask about his role as Spearchucker Jones in M*A*S*H.

When I was a kid, we used to go to construction sites and break all the scrap pieces of insulation, pretending we were the Incredible Hulk. We'd also take the window cranks and their screws and stuff, rip open their plastic bags, and throw them outside. Finally, since they still sometimes had pop in glass bottles,