Ricky Coogin

In the MAD magazine parody, when they land on Tatooine, Threepio complains about the accommodations, affects a limp wrist, asks Artoo to hold his hand, and Artoo's beeping is translated into "Great! As if I don't have enough problems, now I have to deal with a f*g robot!"

They all ganged up on Dengar. They told him he wrapped himself up in bandages so nobody could see his fat rolls.

I have to post this article because the pictures of Bieber with Usher and Bieber with Chance are pretty funny.

"You diseased maniac. I'll mold this box into your prison bars."

I've been on this site a lot longer than you have and I have plenty of people here who like me and care what I have to say. A Johnny-Come-Lately like yourself isn't something I'm going to worry about.

I understand that, agree with your comment, and as weaselly as this sounds, my argument was more about how writers are required to use such terms and how people think that childish euphemisms are somehow better.

Or a few Richard Pryor albums.

There are many ugly words that hurt people. "Motherfucker" is an awful word that brings up many unpleasant images, but we still use it. So are "asshole" or "shithead" and we use them all the time. It's silly for them to think they can "take away the power" of a racial epithet by calling it "the n-word."

That movie is a riot. I like how they did a special VHS version and all the Gremlins know John Wayne as the Duke.

"Come on! With material like that to work with, I should have gotten an Oscar coming off as well as I did!"


Look at what happened to the term "queer."

I'm not about to say, "Eh, that word's not so bad" about the non-edited one, but we all know it and can handle it.

I don't think any word should be banned and i don't think it makes black people feel better to read "the n-word" rather than "ni**er." I can understand if, say, the Chicago Tribune won't use the word since I don't think they allow profanity like "fuck" or "shit.

Hey, you know the chick who played my mom on The Baker's Dozen?

You know, you guys can actually use that word in your articles. We're not such children that we need you to use the euphemism "the n-word" in your articles like our heads will explode when faced with a racial epithet.

I once emailed Leonard Maltin about his cameo and he wrote back to me. He really had given the first film a bad review. His cameo is one of the greatest in history. I think he even says "Two thumbs up!" as the Gremlins attack.

The only movie I watched last weekend was Innerspace.

It's such a brazen act. I understand that maybe Ness is taking Malone's advice to not adhere so close to the letter of the law, but he throws a guy off the roof, dismisses him to others with a one-liner ("he's in the car") and that's the end of it. The crummy blue-screen doesn't help.

My brother and his ex-girlfriend have worked at labs with primates. They were generally shown Disney cartoons and they would often go apeshit if there were any violent scenes.