Ricky Coogin

Ugh, what a stupid scene. And the film has a decent screenplay for the most part, but THAT is how they show that Ness has become willing to fight dirty? They even give him a lame one-liner at the end of the scene.

I believe it was also used for the famous baseball bat scene.

I don't remember who it was, but in the past decade, at least one big star's auction included a lot of items that were specially priced so that fans without big money could own a piece of their favorite star. I really like that idea - as weird as it is that someone would be so happy to own a mundane object possessed

I'm saving up for when they sell the ones used on Judy Garland in The Wizard of Oz.

You can't turn a blind eye to what goes on in America's suburbs. I'm a product of the system. Everyone is complicit. You made me what I am today.

Maybe some enterprising person saved the gaffer's tape they used to strap her tits down.

Yeah, cops were always harassing me, giving me shit. After all, I was the son of an attorney, growing up in a suburb in a township, but I was always a child of the streets. People don't even want to know what my life was like - tp'ing trees at Halloween, running through people's backyards screaming - it was like a war

Shatner has a decent hairpiece, especially for his age. He probably looks 20-30 years younger because of it. And I'm guessing it probably cost about the price of a small car.

When I was in high school, there was a local band called Retardbus.

It's arguable that I also have a responsibility regarding Putter. She'd be lost without Daddy. Sometimes a pale, freckly, redheaded imaginary daughter is all we have, and sometimes that's enough.

He was a great villain in Tom Jones, which he did when he was pretty young.

"Cop Killer" was one of my nicknames in high school since when the album came out, I "tattooed" myself with a permanent marker.

Yeah, Capone's lawyer changes his plea without even talking to his client. What the hell?

I went to Roosevelt, and I totally recognize that entry hall. It's ten stories up to the library and me and my best friend in paralegal school would do it together. She weighed less than half what I did, but I would be the one telling her she could do it.

It didn't help that a) Nitti's death scene has some pretty stupid bluescreen, and b) even stupider is Ness murdering Nitti, even if it's supposed to show how Ness is learning to fight dirty instead of being a clean cop.

If memory serves, he has two tattoos from his brief time in the Navy. One says "Mum and Dad" and the other "Scotland Forever." He was discharged early because of an ulcer.

I saw it when I was about 12 and had never seen a movie that was really bloody before. I remember having an argument with my dad, who insisted the movie was only made to make money and that nobody intended it to be artistic at all…they just wanted to draw people in. He's not a stupid person, but when it comes to

He died like a pig. I said, your friend died screaming like a stuck Irish pig. Now you think about that when I beat the rap.

Just like a wop, bringing a knife to a gunfight. Get outta here, you dago bastard!

Sometimes I get a dumb little surge as I cross LaSalle Street between Adams and Jackson where the liquor raid scene is filmed. The Rookery Building stands in for police headquarters and they cross to the Bank of America Building, standing in for a post office. Even though it was probably just filmed on a Sunday