Ricky Coogin

The Thin Mints are the other kind I like. My mom used to buy them, but I've usually been able to resist.

And called it…Rice-a-Roni!

"How's my little produce department? HONK. HONK."

It is really hard for me to say no to the Putter Scouts cheeping, "GIRL Scout cookies!" outside my grocery store but I usually manage to say no. If I say yes, it's totally for the Samoans.

I always think of the name "Sylvester Macaroni," which was a one-off character Pegleg Pete played in a Mickey Mouse cartoon where he was some businessman who sponsored a radio show and Mickey and the rest kept fucking things up, crushing their instruments in the freight elevator and so on.

I think Johnny Rotten said he got meningitis as a child because of rats pissing in their water.

Here he is, folks, the Leader of the Plaque!
Watch him suck up that gas, oh my God!

I sold my VHS movies in the spring of 2000 and I think I made like three to five bucks a movie.

Just be grateful that finally Jews are getting to make movies.

Would you get a uniform and pretend to be an employee? You probably wouldn't get any "customers" but you could pretend to stock the shelves. Of course, you'll need TV monitors and have to get a hold of one of those annoying videos that played the same five minutes of commercials and clips over and over again (at least

I thought I came off more as the creepy type rather than the violent type.

Sometimes I wonder if I got a shitload of money, if I'd have a room in my basement built to look like a video store from 1990.

Did she bring in her own drapery, like Prince?

Mariah needs to add one more thing to her tour rider: A swift kick in the ass.

I never ever bothered to take on a mission. As far as I'm concerned, the game was about stealing cars, killing people, and blowing shit up.

I think there was an old Seanbaby article where he discussed Superman's Bizarro World and said that in Bizarro World, Bob Barker told audiences to let their pets fuck as much as they wanted.

And I thought Avatar was the famous sci-fi film that dealt with colonialism and the "noble savage" trope.

That's fucking sick. What's next, Leia giving Luke a slow, warm kiss in front of everyone after he escapes some alien beast?

Cape Fear, The Nutty Professor

Bet that's the last time you smiled.