Ricky Coogin

Sounds more like General Zod.

I think I've been to both, but the Tower Records is the one I was thinking of.

Would that it were John Tesh.

Bob Barker and I went to the same hair stylist briefly and he said if my mom - a big fan of the show - ever wanted to be on, to just call his office.

Is that the one in Piccadilly Circus?

I understand him wanting to help out his brother, but saying yes to that was a super-awful idea for many reasons.

Like a champagne super-nover in the sky.

"All right, I get it, I have bad teeth."

Those Red Nose ads pissed me off. First off, everyone hates clowns. Second, I don't need some turd at Walgreens pestering me to donate a dollar when all I want to do is buy my four boxes of movie theatre candy and go home and stuff myself while scarring my arms with a heated knife.

Quit bothering me. I'm trying to research the best way to kill myself.


Everyone likes their own brand, no? Oh, this is magic.

"Oh no! Uzbeks have been drinking my battery acid!"

Did Clayton Purdom criticize you for not living in a diverse enough neighborhood, inquire as to whether the Chinese or Mexican leftovers in your fridge were "authentic" and not made by any white "cultural appropriators," and then demand you admit who you voted for?

Eat it.

They like to pretend we watch for the "compelling personal stories."


Sorry, I prefer to watch Naomi Campbell smack the shit out of some employee, say she's having a bad day, pay a nominal fine, and then head off on some millionaire's yacht because it doesn't matter because she's a supermodel.

She's not a bitch. The word is "diva."

Why are they reporting on this without shoehorning in something about how his music is even more relevant today in this Trump dystopia we live in?