Ricky Coogin

"A circus clown is just a carny who's too stupid to flip a ride switch on and off. Now, you take a circus clown, roll him on the barn floor, kick him in the head a couple hundred times, and what have you got?"

They caught Harry Fluegelman on a bad day.

Nipples are for closers.

I used to make my brother really mad as a kid by reminding him that research shows that young children LIKE commercials and consider them entertainment.

I know some of you have seen this, if only because they have kids, but I want to know each and every reason why it sucks. I already know it sucks, but I want proof.

If you want a site that covers entertainment and pop culture and isn't constantly trying to cram political opinions down your throat, what are you doing here?

I babysat some kids whose parents wouldn't let them watch The Simpsons because it was "an adult cartoon." Instead, the kids watched a lot of MacGyver.

Wasn't it like The Flintstones in that it really sucked but a lot of kids saw it growing up so it got an undeserved rep as a classic?

I watched "Homerpalooza" last night.

"Urkel was a bit of a creep, a lecherous, overconfident dude who, if he
were alive today, would probably be an icon of pick-up artists and men’s
rights activists everywhere."

Same here. It was the first movie we ever taped off of TV…they happened to show it right after the Charlie Brown Valentine's Day special, which we had also recorded.

I'll bet you were embarrassed when you found out she didn't own the airline and couldn't make you CEO.

I like how they had cool posters drawn by fantasy artist Boris Vallejo for the two films and the studio DVD department thought THIS was the best image to sell the series. What a half-assed job.

The commentary for the first one is pretty good. If only they could take the first film and then about one-third of the first film and two-thirds of the second, they'd have two really terrific movies.

I think that scene was the point of an edit in the network TV version, so you go from a commercial break to Chewie howling at this little robot.

I love the original trilogy, but most of the time my feelings about the rest of it is "boy, am I glad I grew out of this shit when I was 15." There's just too much of it now. I watched Rogue One for the first time the other night and found it boring for the most part. I doubt I'll even bother seeing the final two

God Bless America was one of those movies that you really hoped would be good but made you feel even worse about the potential for satire in movies.

I keep my Bloom County books there.

I have the first nine seasons of Simpsons and the first ten of King of the Hill.

Last night I started feeling sleepy at 8:30 pm, so I went to bed and woke up at 1:30 am and watched Clint Eastwood in Escape from Alcatraz. Then I watched a documentary on The Searchers until I fell asleep.