Ricky Coogin

Never Say Never Again is awful.

I've been saying that the big three coming up:

I love Moonraker more than it deserves. I have a fondness for the sci-fi that came out in the wake of Star Wars, even if I was too young to appreciate it.

Six weeks ago:

J.W. Pepper died less than six weeks ago.

I remember a kid at the bus stop telling us about Octopussy's boat being rowed to the chant, "In, out, in, out."

"Sinjin" Smythe?

It probably was a white clamshell case, right?

We got it when I was in first grade and broke my leg. I'm glad I had an early Disney education, though I got grief for it as I got older and had to pass off lame '70s fare like The North Avenue Irregulars as cool stuff to my friends, who usually had older brothers who had introduced them to slasher movies and T&A

Anyone can be a fool
And do things that are wrong
But fools find out when it's too late
That they don't live so long

It was when we first got it…we had it from 1983-1988 when I convinced our parents to switch to HBO.

This was one I remembered:

The Disney Channel premiered in 1983, I think. It was much different in those days - they relied a lot on their old catalog of movies and TV shows, and they also bought a lot of content from Canada like The Edison Twins and The Dog Who Stopped the War. They showed a lot of their old cartoons, too.

She was mostly clueless, which helped keep the columns from being too depressing.

She was a guest speaker at a writing group in one column and most of the people there were like her, writing romance novels or stuff about cats, except some old guy who was writing a spy novel and insulted her.

I never understood how, at least according to porn, the absolute sexiest thing is to cum on a girl's face.


BFD. Call me when they decided to start putting out new columns by Jean Teasdale and Jim Anchower (he's probably out of jail by now).

Krypton is merely shifting its orbit.

"Chicks dig a dude with money."