Ricky Coogin

I like the part in the second (or is it third?) film where he stops a couple of thugs bullying a Chinese grocer and he challenges them to fight while moving his mouth differently than his speech so he looks and sounds like a badly-dubbed martial arts movie star.

I thought the second film was maybe the best in the series. Goldthwait is so good in it.

My dad's best friend in high school was Edward Herrmann, who died last year.

Didn't Lovitz beat Dick's ass at a bar because Dick had given cocaine to Hartman's wife not long before she died?

I love how he talks to Danny like he was a little boy: "Do you stand for good [smile]…or bad [frown]?"

He did a good job playing Martin Luther King, Jr's father in the '80s TV movie The Boy King.

Daily filmed Pee-wee's Big Adventure not long after that and in the DVD commentary, they said it was hard for her to do the scene where Pee-wee faints and he's on the floor surrounded by cops.

I've said this before and I'll say it again….they need to do a Random Roles with Welker.

In the nephews' first cartoon, her name is Dumbella.

I think Mickey and Minnie DID get married as a publicity stunt back in the 1980s when Michael Eisner first took over the company.

Interesting fact Blanc pointed out - he named his son Noel, thereby making his son's name mean "White Christmas."

I saw Alan Young as a fraternity member who bullies Clifton Webb in one of the '40s Mr. Belvedere movies.

Fun fact: When they were shooting the scene in Jedi where the Emperor tries to kill Luke, Ian McDiarmid said that every time he'd stretch his hands out to pretend he was shocking Hamill, Hamill would crack up because, as a fan of British comedy, it made him think of Tommy Cooper about to fuck up a magic trick.

I was about to write "You forgot about Redd Foxx, dummy! That'll get you five across the lips!"

"None of these people could hold a candle to Chewbacca Mom. In those days, we had STARS!"

I can't remember if I ever laughed so hard in the theatre as the "I Love Mallory" sketch from Natural Born Killers.

Look at it this way - now she's out of work and vulnerable. This could totally be your chance to swoop in and play the hero. Stock up your fridge with comfort food and get some of those movies chicks dig, like Pretty Woman or Irreversible.

I believe "O.F.R." stood for "Out-Fucking-Rageous."

Back off. I've got dibs. She doesn't know it yet, but I do.