Ricky Coogin


Both Gillette and guitarist Michael Angelo are great musicians but their music was horrible. I believe their first album was called H.W.N.D.W.S. (Hot, Wet 'n Drippin' With Sweat)

So I guess you think you're smarter than Bill and Ted now?

Beebada beebada beebada, Buck! Our President is a shithead!

"Nathan, Dave, and Jake are driving down the road and a cop stops them for speeding. He says he'll let them go if they take out their dicks and, combined, they measure out to at least 21 inches. They do so and are free to go. About a mile down the road, Nathan says, 'Good thing I had a ten-inch dick.' Dave says, 'Good

"Had wooden leg, chased Moby Dick."

Don't forget Jim Gillette of the awful metal band Nitro.

I'm trying to be sparing with the imaginary daughter comments. While she has as many "fans" as detractors, I can't really argue that the shtick hasn't been worn out.

That moment in Trainwreck where she can't stop smiling….it's like her teeth are too big for her mouth. And I mean that in a good way; she was so cute.

There's a really good reason why Bergman and Rossellini look alike.

He had a heated argument with his wife in a New York restaurant. I think his wife has opened restaurants that haven't been successful and De Niro said something like, "I wouldn't have to keep making shitty movies if you didn't spend all my money!"

Already read that one.

"Vagiclean, huh? What's the matter, honey? Little extra cheese on the taco?
Price check on Vagiclean, aisle five. I repeat: price check on Vagiclean, aisle five. That's Vagiclean. We've got a customer down here with a full-on fallopian fungus. She's baking a loaf of bread and [sniffs] I think it's sourdough."

My money is on Damnation Alley.

Can you get me a job with the Farrelly brothers?

Nobody's interested. It's probably just another piece of camp like that Doc Savage movie. When audiences want sci-fi, they expect social commentary, like Logan's Run.

I just bought a copy of Jim Schutze's Bully: Does Anyone Deserve to Die? : A True Story of High School Revenge, upon which the Larry Clark movie was based.

Is this one of the "shitty movies" that De Niro got into a fight with his wife about a few months ago?

I'm glad it was brought up so I could watch it again, even if the YouTube versions are just someone putting their camera up to a TV set.