
He bets on red because the pigeons were sitting on the traffic light and it flashed three times.

I love this show, my family puts up with me, but give me weird looks. When the children came over and happily ate of Diane I just loved that. Also they were not glossy pictures of Warren's parents, they were obviously well worn and creased, that was a great detail.

He names checks what I consider the best silent film ever, The Last Laugh. It may be on celluloid, but it certainly hasn't lasted. Poor nazi Emil Jannings.

You mean Mamie.

This weeks Pete Holmes was amazing, mostly because I like neither him nor his guess June Raphael in other venues, but I was actually crying this week, it was emotionally exhausting and perhaps the most meaningful cast he has had.

Why, unless they decide to make it actually good after the second episode.

Dallas? Retconn'ed and entire season as a dream.

I just want to know why all these Nazi's spend their time on target practice but can't hit big ole Hank just standing there.

I came for the ricki lindholme nude scene, and stayed for demonic baby; then rewound to the nude scene.

I really would have liked some more info on the Topsy song the gf and I have repeatedly played it trying to figure what the chorus is singing, since our rendition is messing that fleshing out.

I so want a full version of Electric Love, not a day goes by we don't start singing Oh Topsy, we have tried to parse the correct lyrics. Here is hoping for a full release with the DVD

Speed buggy (and the Mach 5) were just in Futurama last week.

I've got Brokedown Palace written into my will.

This ep just stressed how formulaic and mediocre the show it, and that without Jim Parsons dynamite delivery and timing it would have been cancelled years ago.

A haircut and shave here in NYC is all of $50, not a lot, especially compare to what women pay. My barber is great, 31st and 5th Ave, mezzanine if you are looking for him, his name is Frank and he is from Italy. The best.

Wow I'm not even reading this, because I know this film well. It is a hard one to like but pays off in what it says about art, and the value that is placed on art. I always pair this with The Moderns as the perfect commentary on what the worth in art really is.

Honestly Sims you have the worse taste, the 5 timers sketch is so old it is laughable, I'd have preferred if they had celebrity impersonators and said he wasn't worth the effort. Why you like the maine sketch or stephon is beyond me. Why I bother dvr'ing this thing, also beyond me.

I think Scott Tobias is the best Film Reviewer going these days and I"m very sad to see the lame ass office he works in.

I hate all the drama that society insists on investing on having sex. She had a bad (I can't remember the term she used in her note) but she will get over it and get a lesson from it. She had sex, it was her first time, it was awkward, and gross, and unsatisfying, big deal, we all have sex all the time.

There is a broadway channel on Sirius? I may have to get now. The last think my co-workers would enjoy.