
I was really annoyed with the implication that since Boo is on the pill she doesn't need a condom, like there is no such thing as an STI ( or STD what are we call them these days). Also from Sasha's reaction it appeared it was hers. Also I don't think Michelle should be using some old condom she finds under a locker

So they name checked Judy Blume and then Sasha's plant was named Ralph. Now wasn't that the name of a penis in Forever? Since I"m a boy I never read it but I remember it being talked about in summer camp. Following that Cozette calls Ginny Heidi at the end, anyone get the reference?

Wasn't Cary Grant's mother in North by Northwest like five years older. And then of course Tom Hanks and Sally Field were lovers in punchline and then mother and son in Forrest Gump.

Yes but I"m sure Jim Parson's wishes he wont be type cast now for the remainder of his career. He has quickly become Urkel.

I also caught up on Hulu and I"m 44, I raved so much over xmas that my 70 year old mother did the same thing. We are all hooked.
I actually had to text my gf over the 2000 year old man line I was so moved.