Ant Farm Moneypenny

fohgs - are you still enjoying Mad Men? You obviously care about the characters…

Damn, should've scrolled down before posting. Sorry.

(Sort of) off topic - Savini's 1990 remake of NOTLD, not half bad. Ben goes full zombie in that one instead of being shot by a redneck posse. Stronger and more relevant social commentary, or something. Discuss.

Elegant Victorian Lady FTW, as usual.

@ Raaaaaaaaaaaape!!! - I always considered rape an act of sexual violence, which was certainly what Dr. Rapist did to Joan. Pete's manipulation of the au pair was coercive and non-consensual, but I would have a hard time classifying it as rape. The word itself is a loaded gun, and highly politicised; I'm glad neither

@ your momma - never apologise for the length of your post. It's really cool to have a primary source here, so to speak, for that era, so nice job and keep it up.

Never thought about Don needing a father figure at all, but down a few reds and dad appears in all his drunk glory.

I round up. Plus, only 30 days in September.

Trying to think of something clever about rubbers and Duck, but the hangover's pretty bad today.

Strange to see Don not in control with the schoolmarm - normally he'd manipulate her into just about anything.

Is that cool half a mil he made liquid? That'd make it easier to recreate himself one more time.

I disagree- the convesations about Vietnam have largely been from and to young men of draft age, unless I missed something. I think the conversation its engendered so far would be accurate for the time.

Anyone seen Elegant Victorian Lady latey?
Is the couch accurate?

Four months until Kennedy in Dealy Plaza.

I thought one of the most poignant scenes were Don and Sally, in separate bedrooms, eyes open and illuminated by weak light - Sally's nightlight and the moon, I presume, on Don. Good catch on the lights though, wish I had more to contribute about meaning.

My gut says it was an oversight. I don't think the Bits would give that big of an eff you to Roger in front of his peers… they haven't been that way up to date. You're right, that is pretty darn funny, and Roger does nothing (but says the greatest stuff).

They told me it was a lifetime appointment! You can't just take that away from me!

Some 7-11's in and around the Seattle area have glass-bottle Coke hecho en Mexico. Great stuff.

Don just about landed Hilton. He's not going anywhere.

I don't think he did his job well by anyone's standards, honestly, which is why he's heading to Bombay. In past weeks, all he's done is tell everyone SC lost another account and bitch about office supplies. And I loved the line about his best quality being that he always does what he's told - very British, I think.