Ant Farm Moneypenny

Color commentary
Did the office interior scenes seem particularly bright this week? For whatever reason, colors really jumped out. Guy McKendrick and the Americans were all wearing the same grey flannel suits during the meeting in Don's office…coincidence?

I'm with Ellie - Sally's probably going to have a LOT wrong with her later on: distant semi-abusive mom, emotionally detached father, a few cigarettes here and there, petty theft, fights at school - it's not too much of a stretch to say that her need for attention being met only by older men or the television driving…

Play nice, now.

@ Cheese: I suppose that could happen, but I can't see it.

Weiner has said Kennedy's assassination will not be a prominent part of this season, but for some reason I have the idea there's going to be a time jump mid-season, skipping over 11/22/63, rather than terminating just before Dealy Plaza. Nothing to back it up, just a feeling.

I haven't seen Bye Bye Birdie and don't really care to, so allow me to clarion my ignorance: the Ann Margaret yelping seen in the episode, as I understand, came at the end of the movie; it looked like it was done in front of a bluescreen. Was that the case in the film as well?