
Season finale
Apparently has Leonard moving in with Priya. Which depending on how they take this we might get the amusing roomate tryout montage for Sheldon.

"Pop, Pop gets a pizza?"

Is pony punching like donkey punching?

Seeing Buffy
with a gun, just seems a little off for me.

Not sure anyone needs to see Benicio DelToro vomiting in glorious HiDef.

Yeah but Dane Cook was only in Mystery Men for about 5 seconds. Fun Fact - Michael Bay was also in Mystery Men.

Casting a spell
Booga! Booga!

Immortal CancerAids upon ye.

That crow makes a good stew.

How did Mom not make the list?

May your muffin top be riddled with CacerAids.


There is a commentary on one of the Angel S5 episodes when Joss said he should have just had Spike and Angel kiss in that one shot. Cannot remember which one it was.

Because it's Friday, Friday, ad nauseum.


Tricks are what a whore does for money…or cocaine, or candy.

TomWaits directed by the shitty Twilight series directors.

Worse than parrots, frigging Peacocks. Had neighbors with 2 of them, noisy and they chased my cat over the fence all the time.

I got the DVD set from Amazon.

Is it possible that a TV Review upcoming series
Can be for The League of Gentlemen?