
Nothing on the Newswire about
Dave Foley being broke and a deadbeat dad?

MST3K Volume 20
Also came out.

basic Chemistry degree a plus.

"Scotch on the rocks"…."and I mean ice!"

Twitter huh?
Not sure 140 words will be enough to contain this much awesomeness (or crazy).

Really ads during the feed?
I am switching channels to bypass the ads and can't escape them. Watching Serenity inbetween.

Just what is needed in these economic times, Celebrity Hair Speculation. I just need some start up cash and lots of scissors.

Not acording to Laurell K Hamilton. It's were this and were that and lots of were sex.

It's been awhile since I saw it, but doesn't Valley Girl have part of it set in a mall.

I think she was living in Reno/Sparks for awhile as well. Besides The Captain and Tenille and Kevin Seconds our only celebrities living in this hellhole.

No longer a fancy lad.


Bang - Angelus and Spike
Bang - Wesley, cause he don't mind going down south
and yep ehh? on Gunn

OHH, Viggo misses his kitten.

The same could be said for Giger. Unless you expect landscapes of penises to be a part of our future.

Uh John Waters?
He has a problem with The Wire but is OK with Pink Flamingos?

The weirdness of Crispin Glover is the only thing that saved both movies.

I know it sucks, but I figure they had to pay HBO major ducats for Mr. Show and Larry Sanders.

Sounds good
Will it be Goth?

Try "Hugh Hefner: Once Upon A Time". This is a 90's documentary, but it gets into more depth of his personal likfe when he did not seem so insular. Goes over the beginnings, court stuf, his pill addiction, the coke trafficking and of course Dorothy Stratton's murder.