
As did I with an article on the missed Sugar Babies as well.

The penguins and Mort, best part of Madagascar.

Or Guniness dark chocolate truffles.

We have had The Wrestler, and The Fighter when do we get The Cagefighter film?

Step by Step, Inch by Inch…

@ Rainbow, the only problem is that Billy has always said he did Larry's voice after his stroke, so that might not be the kind of "comedy" they want.

New reality show, showcasing the celebrity crazy! Kanye, these 2, Cybil Shepard, Jeff Conaway (mucho druggie crossovers).

Agreed. When I first heard about this I could not figure out what kind of audience is the exact target for this?

The Christmas Story marathon usually starts Christmas Eve and goes through Christmas Day.

Cassingles dude, cassingles.

"I might have to pat you down, do you have anything explosive on you?"



We should remember that Gibson had these issues prior to the whole anti-semitism and misogyny. Years ago, around Lethal Weapon era (the decent ones), he got shit from homophobic statements that he actually made in an interview. So it has always been part of his character and after that point I really could not like

Sounds more like
Look who's Talking for adult retards.

Sure you're not thinking of the Louie Anderson cartoon?

Dark City
Has the great commentary by Roger Ebert.

How much did I want Abed to come out of the ceiling When they found Jones the cat.

they just finished up playing punishment bingo. At the end the only punishments were drinking clam juice. Now the Super Mario music is playing.

Will there be pictures of her many feline friends? And her cutesy poo collections? Do we also get to see hubby Rick?