
MTV Producers
So at what point do they step in when things like this happen?

So it is going to be all about the hair acting.


I have seen some revolting things in my life
but that hot tub photo is the worst by far. I hope they are burning that thing at the end of the season. Probably will need to bring in the Hazmat teams.

Almost as braindead as the article read from some moron stating Blazing Saddles was racist. Apparently checking the credits and seeing Richard Pryor as the writer was too far beyond this guy.

Apparently this was last year when they had been going out for 2 years.

Penny and Leonard
Kinda surprised me to find out they were a real life couple.

No he is the one who banged Kirstie Alley on the last episode of Fat Actress.

What is this thing called "Outsourced" that you are refering to?

waiting for the new season
just for Russell to come back.

these people
just need to die already.

PMS Avenger only works five days of the month. WHATEVER!

meow meow meow meow
Is it a sign that as I was reading this my cat jumped up on my lap.

I keep waiting for a car/motorcycle crash to happen. It just has that feel, since Vince is getting away with all this drug and drinking and driving shit, but no consequences? C'mon.

Escalator, Steve Dave, Escalator.

I love me some King of Mississippi
Russell talking to and carrying around the candy dish full of Talbot, fantastic.

Enought with the fucking commercials. Pulling me right out of the story.

Whenever the show allowed glimpses of Spike's past it just made me love him as a character even more. I never liked the Angel/Buffy mess (too much like Ross/Rachel BS). He wa salways in my view the only character in the show who really grew as a character from one dimensional "bad" vampire to the fully realized

When I lived in SF, I used to pass his brother on the street whenever he was in the one spot up on Kearney by The House of Nanking restaurant. Never knew who he was till seeing this Doc.

But technology is cyclical,