
to the non-pussy whipped Bill. He shall be missed.

Why Oh Why
Do I keep watching this show? I need help people.

Omaha the Cat Dancer.

Waiting for
Babe Last Sheep Pig of the Apocalypse instead.

Find a courtroom somewhere, and you will find Harlan Ellison suing someone, oh and he writes.

Other than the U2 and Gorillaz songs
I can gladly say I have never heard of most of this crap or only heard bits of some of these "songs".

Shelley Winters dead in the lake just freaked me out tied up and with her hair streaming, so creepy and I still cannot watch that whole scene.

Joe Bob
come back to TV to provide us with commentary on such fine films.

Seriously The Happening just outright sucked, ranked up with the Transformers movies for badness. Lady in the Water also sucked, and The Village….baically anything not the 6th Sense or Unbreakable should be re-made from Shamalangadingdong.

Lynch was the Virginia bartender on FG. Had to check the credits to be sure as I could not believe it was really him.

Really Family Guy
That is how you use David Lynch in a cameo?

They are naked 24/7?

I didn't know there was a 3 Musketeers video game? Isn't that all this jackass and his wife do anyway? Like a Uwe Boll with more money.

Sheldon's outfit
Was Sheldon suddenly struck color blind?

So nice for us girls to get some beefcake and not cheesecake on this show. You guys get Gloria on Modern Family and we get Jeff. So glad McHale has no qualms about getting semi-naked, yummy.

Really did not need to see the male lactation
right at this moment.

"He has my father's eyes"
"Gomez take those away from him"

There must be something for Jackie Earle Haley to play.

OK I already hate myself for knowing this, she used to be a model, was a judge on the "lost" first season of ANTM and now has a reality show on Style since she just had a baby….(hangs head in shame)

The Double Down is bad, but I want to see the Land, Sea and Air sandwich from Mickey Ds on the taste test, it looks absolutely wretched.