
And the little Human Being had a doll dressed like the Human Being, too bad I cannot remember what Jeff said. I know it was something about how disturbing after seeing them.

"Is the tea killing the flowers?" best of the Pierce lines.

Quirk let us go back even further than the 80's: Good Times. Dirt poor, death, child abuse, drug use, JJ, etc and this was a sitcom.

Just remember little orange goblin and you will remember which one is Snooki.

And do we believe Phil actually has a friend named Gil Thorp, the name of the comic strip character, or is he also lying to the "film crew" to justify his nekkid lady pictures?

I thought that Danica was more on the Humanities side of the mixer, and we as geeks would just be tickeled she played against her mathematical genius personality.

Coudn't the producers of this show wait another month I am sure the original cast can't be doing anything anyway, why go thru the pain of hiring and paying professional "actors". I'm sure you can get the original cast dirt cheap.

This whole thing reminds me of the McDonalds one for the McNuggets a few years back. They came out with "now made with chicken" and I worried about what sort of mutant creature they were serving previously and it explained my hatred of McNuggets.

This theory makes us who saw Brando as one of the greatest actors ever feel better. Because I really don't want to think that he voluntarily signed on for Dr. Moreau.

What should I check it for?

As soon as the "watcher/mentor" said his name was Rupert I knew this was going to be a problem. When they had the hyena dudes ripping off when Xander became a hyena essence that is when the show was turned off. The commercials screamed Buffy rip off, but I did not think they would be this blatant about it.

Now if we can get a smiting of Jersey Shore all would be good for the new year, or the little orange goblin at least.

Must watch Lawrence of Arabia and My Favorite Year, to make it go away. I refuse to acknowledge the existence of this film role or any others Peter O'Toole's dementia has signed the contract for him.

You know how those 17th century trademark laws are.

Blow to the head has to be. No one who is mobile would sit through this shit.

The hate for Schwimmer is justified for making an unfunny Simon Pegg move. Yeah I am looking at you Run, Fatboy, Run.

Same thing happened to me with The Dark Knight, saw his name in the credits, but did not know it was him till about the 3rd time I saw it and realized he was the news guy, (finally watched the end credits).

I could not stop laughing over the Forest Whitaker eye and the way Troy did it and would not stop, so hilarious.

@udijbborn, I don't think so. He wears one leg of his pants pulled up like a vato would, since he is the Spanish teacher. I am pretty sure he has done this in most of the past shows as well.

I too was waiting for the Lundgren cameo, M. Night would have been to obvious.