
Governor, not the Mayor.  Remember the jacket with GOV on the back.

How are they video music awards when MTV hasn't shown a video in years? 

Look Debbie, Torgo has a little altar to Baal!

Private Benjamin?
Nothing on his blink and you miss role as Yale, Goldie's doomed husband who dies having sex with her.

Is "Bumpaddle" a lads mag? I think it might have to do with cricket according to Rita.

And I just finished watching this on DVD.


My favorite Peter O'Toole movie besides LOA?
My Favorite Year.

Agredd, god do I hate those stupid commercials. Just stop it already!

And who asked about the brewskis? Michael Bay, yes a movie with Michael Bay and Dnae Cook. Still like it though.

And thigh high boots on a man, a true sign of integrity.

"Don't try to confuse the situation with half truths and gorilla dust".

and sticky, don't forget sticky.

Didn't it already get confirmed that Aragorn is showing up in The Hobbit?

It is interesting that a similar banquet scene was also used in Buffy in "The Body". Both Buffy and Angel went to the same places in their minds.

Toy is also the main Uber-Vamp in S7.

Favorite Numan song is definitely Down in the Park. When a song namechecks rape machines you knew you were in for more than many refrains of CARS.

The end of Tenenbrae also had that jump scare at the end.

Sorry for posting twice.

Season finale
Apprently Leonard is moving in with Priya, so Sheldon can go through the roomate choosing montage, so we have that to look forward to.