
Jim Henson's Scrubs Babies?

Like watching paint dry….

Since I cannot post an original comment: Todd what were you doing in my lovely hometown of Reno?

I think it is Pa-tricjk Swayze the no armed, one eyed Lithuanian folk singer who plays banjo with his toes.

And for us ladies, who knew Joel McHale was so built?

Yeah but what was the weird lady with the pan flute poster that was behnd the band when they were practicing?


Hopefully this rape will occur with Mr Yacht's nose, since it not a proper one it is polystyrene.

I have been saying for years Howard the Duck movie remake. You know one that might be good this time.

ants in oxygen tents?

I think they were just showing this movie on Flix recently or am I might be thinking of The Gate…

I love candy corn and the rest of the same stuff like it, mellowcremes I believe, the pumpkins and ears of corn, etc. Pure unadulterated sugar, plus when they get hard they are good for winging at your siblings when they piss you off…..

See I always thought Paul looked like Jennifer Beals.

As achick Beth was always the favorite of most of the girls.

I can do the finger thing but my sister cannot. Pisses her off to no end, and I have even done it slow and she still can't figure it out.

Does anyone know when the next DVD set for Season 3 will be coming out?

Such an over the top movie and the crazy scientist feeding his pet soldiers, hilarious.

Suspiria - best use of music by Goblin. Will seriously creep you out.

So Boston Matt you must be new to the AV Club, as you missed the month-month and a half of ads on the AV Club banner for the damn restaurant. They ran constantly where the Tosh.0 ads are right now.

Everytime I see those commercials I want to shave the head of bowl cut guy, as I remember watching the premiere show, and all he did was work on that bad hair and talk about his smoking girlfriend. At that point I knew I would never watch this show again. Mute goes on whenever the commercial reard its head.