
Could we have this wonderous music embedded in every ANTM review so it plays when we read the recap?

It was bad that I saw Dark Knight 4 or 5 times, saw his name in the credits and still could not figure out who he played till I went in IMDB.

There was that story in one of The Books of Blood that had a tortured college kid end up as a bloody clown with an axe, if that is not the epitome of why clowns are hideous, I am at a loss.

Must be a pattern, cause when they were in Reno for Kingpin, they hung out at Baldini's casino. Let's just say it is not exactly the top of line for your casino fare. Woody was eating in the $3.99 buffet as well.

…or is it Bill Pullman?

I'm disappointed AV posters, where is the obligatory CSI Miami show opening reference?

Do we remember the olden times when some of us felt bad for Jon? Then you know, and I wish both of these ass clowns would fall off the planet. Along with the morons with like 19 kids, and most of VH1's line up, and Speidi, and Rachel Zoe and the various housewives, I think I might run out of room here, so etc.

Laverne had it first, milk and Pepsi

The only problem I had was that if the comic was in a safe deposit box it was laying flat, and we all know comics have to be stored upright. I could be wrong, someone from a bank chime in, but do they have boxes that are the right size to store a comic collection?

The first thing I thought of "Is this going to be some bizarre Mirror/Mirror dream sequence" as soon as Sheldon was seen with that beard/moustache.

Love Bob Einsten and the straight faced under the surface seething rage he brings to the character.

What its as tho I kan't spelll, grammer anyway i want too; alot.

AHH the joy of booze and hard drugs on grammer and spelling. I almost admire my 15 year old nephew's texting compared to this.

What is this Wire you speak of? I have vaguely heard of this from somewhere, can't remember where…..

I was going to watch this show, but then my parents are going to die tonight…which is probably a good thing.


This was the funniest episode of the season so far. When Sam showed up at Merlotte's after Arlene called him I almost died laughing. I am thinking everyone if Bon Temps must be related to each other, how else to explain such stupidity.

lexicondevil you may have the cassette but I have the LP, purple vinyl and all. Actually had to buy it as an import.

James Hong as a waiter in The Big Bang Theory as well, insulting Sheldon in Mandarin, and being another or the same Lo Pan in Chuck.

Who else wants to see him eat the hamburger on a Krispy Kreme donut? Talk about stoner food…