
My understanding was that Maryann is a Maened, not a goddess. She is attendant on Bacchus or Dionysius, so she is strong, but not a true living on Olympus goddess.

I might have missed it being discussed previously, but do we know what sort of supernatural thing Andy is or has? and based on the books will we find out before the end of the season?

@ Sincere Sensei

How did MST3K not do any of these movies?

E's new girlfriend annoys the hell out of me. Anything is better than her.

And Godric also knew the dude (Gabe?) who was trying to rape Sookie, so there is more with the Fellowship/Vampire connection than they are letting on right now.

Is Adult Swim cutting the episodes for time as well? It seems when I saw them awhile ago they were longer.

Goober looking at his skull and then paying Mr. James for it at the end.

I have this soundtrack on cassette still.

Sorry Mr. Cameron no Sandy Frank owned films for MST3K reissues. Sandy Frank won't give them permission for any of the Gamera, Godzilla, Time of the Apes, etc films. This is why the #10 set got pulled. So if you taped them, treasure your copies.

AHHH, where is our Criterion collection of the Coleman Francis ouevre? We are demanding it I tell you!

@ Rob C.

I thought the giant brain killed the dinosaurs?

It is nice to see Tim Curry getting a cameo as Darkness on True Blood….

Mexican Caruso is soooo sleepy, soooo very sleepy.

The Duran Duran one and also the Body Double version of Relax and INXS "The One Thing" with the chick with the fig.

Night Flight baby.

Michael had to shoot Victor, if Carla got him they would have tortured him even though he was gutshot. Victor got the sympathy killing for the shit Carla did to his family, we all knew Michael had to do it.
Fi killing Carla was the only way to fully provide closure. The Company was probably going to torture and

The flinch was great, but was everyone like me, saw the box and knew immediately it was some sort of weapon. I thought some kind of gun first, then the weight was not enough, then thought sword.

Walter Koening (sp?) also wrote some of them.