Nothing about Rescue Me?
I would have liked to have heard something on her character returning and what is happening for the new season.
Nothing about Rescue Me?
I would have liked to have heard something on her character returning and what is happening for the new season.
Where does Kirstie Alley fit in all of this?
So whinyness is a Skywalker trait?
So like in Red Dragon
They are going to have to young him up somewhat for The Hobbit.
And when they killed the chicken when having sex? and the talking asshole dude?
I have seen the commercials, but you do not get to see Speed and I want to know if the neck kerchief is still part of the costume? Does this actor know how to do the semi porn OH OH OH noises Speed made? Is Chim-Chim CG or did they use an actuall chimpanzee? Does this look like it is going to suck as much as it…
Thank you, thank you. Did my own stunts, but for some reason they made me cut all my fur off.
Roger and Klaus
Did anyone else expect a Hostel like ending for their European trip when the made that turn to follow the girls? Also is their trip going to carry over to another episode since they did not show them again. Unless it does end up as some sort of Hostel thing.
and Kenneth as Mrs. Mozart with the candlestick coming from the stage door.
And they are/were both on House.
When Phil tried to quit smoking and licked the nicotine patch.
What's this and the rest crap?
OK so I tune in Friday night
and see a ship crashing into the Tardis. Thinking that we are going to see a Starship Titanic/ Dr. Who crossover.
"Why is everyone eating chocolate cake?"
When he asked for that outfit I thought he would end up looking like Drama from Entourage, but this was so much better. Because the skull was so understated on the t-shirt.
In total agreement! They just could not get away from shilling for some big company and break away to some really good microbrews that go great with the normal bar foods. Hell we have even had these beer and food pairings in Reno! And as a chef I have done these for caterings and for my friends.
Thank you to above for letting me know about the Venture Brothers. I have not been watching AS as much since it is showing soooo many repeats and I have VB on DVD.
Someone sounds all bitter
Dagnabit these darn kids and their videor games. Gets my blood all riled up.
Does anyone know if The Venture Brothers is coming back some time this decade? I have heard both yes and no, but nothing official.
I call this settling
Can someone do something to get the movie fricking going. If they could do Strangers with Candy, Kids in the Hall and MST3k movies, someone should be able to get this in production.