
Give it to the Mythbusters if they can't blow it up, it is hopeless and shoot it into orbit. Tell NASA it is some old Star Trek cast members ashes.

Well at least he is finally admitting the issue of the hair.

Thought for sure he would go with type and take the mentally retarded, waving puppet hands, having a seizure when crying, stripper. Loved how she could not even finish a sentence.

Dave and his coffee cup.

Thank you for the info CCTVF. I have pre-ordered it today. First finding out Spaced is finally come out in the US, now this and new 30 Rock. What a great week.

Speaking of DVDs and Robert Smigel, is TV Funhouse from Comedy Central ever coming out on DVD? Could they maybe combine these 2 shows together and get a full price DVD release?


I am sure as well that it will be Daisy, but she is soooo unstable. There is no way this relationship will last and remember he has 2 daughters, and I am sure they must be looking forward to meeting dad's new psychotic friend.

If he ends up with Daisy, you know there will be a ROL3, since he basically said that if she cannot be truthful if another chick comes along he would dump her.

I actually liked
The Simpsons tonight. Actually laughed and did like the 5 second Apocalypse Now joke. It was a perfect little piece, and wasn't run into the ground. Also the Maggie attacking Bart bit, the little quick shots of what it used to be.

Why write a fiction version of the Tudor
when the reality doesn't need all the extra dramatization.

The incredible hotness of Kurt Russell and the perfect casting of Lee Van Cleef.

It is all your fault!
Movie going public of sub-morons who keep allowing this man to keep making movies. I can't call it a film as that denotes some level of class. We are veering further and further towards Idiocracy which was funny, but kind of moving closer and closer to reality.

weren't there some baked beans and Lobster Newberg in there somewhere as well?

and not one Monty Python reference!!! COME ON!

If I may quote "WOO HOO" for the 30 Rock love!

Yard sales baby!

Josh, you must really really really hate that song. You mention your contempt of it every week along with the people on this show.

Comic goodness
Who is the chick on page 2 in the first panel…with the lovely pseudo-mullet and the SansABelt trousers..

Or 'something' even.