
Sorry did you guys say something. I think I have somrthing crammed in my earhole and it tastes like Tabasco!

John Waters did it, accidently, but still…

No Dark Brothers porn for you then!

Why doesn't this woman just buy her own cable network and she can just broadcast pictures of herself and tell stories how everything relates to her 24/7? I cannot even watch this show for the joke factor anymore, as I cannot tolerate her anymore. Small doses on The Soup are it.

Why oh why
Did you show that picture from Master of Disguise. I thought I had purged the badness of this movie from my head and you go and refresh it in my memory. Pairing that with the downward slide of Twin Peaks just makes me want to leave work and go back to bed.

Goth starter kit
Bauhaus is great, along with The Cure and The Smiths, for your goth starter kit. This entails all of the schoolers who are "goth" through school and then grow out of it. Sorry but for some of us this is not a phase. These are the same people who think Evanescence is goth.

At least it's not a Michael Bay protege. As an airport would be ripe for explosions and an Islamic could be worked in per the upper posts.

How about transvestites?
Could you please throw Eddie Izzard in the back of the limo all dolled up! That I would like.

Let me be the last to say No Country for Old Men for everything!

It is spam. They are on the Cracked.com comments boards too.

These troll bots are working the Cracked.com website in the comments as well.

I weep for this
Everytime I see Zack Snyder and Watchmen together I just get sad.

If that is not troubling enough, is that a bowling pin kicking a bowling ball design on the check itself?

Hey you need a beeper!
Since technology is cyclical

When exactly is it that we will trade the Native Martians the planet for a shiny bead.

I thought I was in this movie!
Maybe I really don't want to be in this movie, now that I think about it.

Tales of the Gold Monkey.

I also was waiting for the stabbing and the later death of Sid. The segment seemed unfinished without the horrific deaths.

OK I understand the water flying over them, but were they also blowing feathers or some sort of white fluffy stuff all over them as well? I switched over after it had started and am not sure they explained that.

We could have a Scott Baio crossover on the same network.