
If they do tour
I may forgive for doing that shit Godzilla song with Puffy, or P diddy or whatever the fuck he calls himself these days.

Zucker, Abrams, Zucker
At least Airplane and the Police Squad/Naked Gun TV series/movies were funny. So was Top Secret.

Can we do a best covers one?
Definitely have to include HR Giger's ELP cover.

Having his name changed from Bruce to David because Bruce was too gay.

You know what messed up Zack and Cody…Brett Butler and they were only babies.

I thought Australia was Peter Garretts territory?

Fragge Rock Promo
I have a problem with this thing promoting Earth Day. Earth Day is about conservation and recycling and the entire thing is stuffed with multiple pieces of non-recyclable packaging and a bucket that wouldn't break down in a landfill in a gazillion years.


Who can forget Yellowbeard. Marty Feldman dies and they solve it in the movie by having him die and fall into an acid pit…or at least his stand in.

Why does Frenchie McTrainwreck even worry about wearing "clothes" in this show. Also I love how when they translate him/her they use all of the zee's and zises. I like Ambre, but she does not seem to fit with the rest of skanks, she seems kind of like a soccer mom to me.

If Andy Dick was on he could try and defend killing Phil Hartman and we all would hate him even more.

Can we get
Sizemore and Jan Michael Vincent on this thing?

Mankini is branching out from The Soup and auditioning for Idol? Can't wait to see what Joel and Lou think about that on Friday.

Like a wine pairing
Can you pair this up with a MYOF of Fire Walk With me?

OK I saw a little of this, but the first episode is kind of a waste. Bodies everywhere but a bunch get booted. Found out what I thought was a dude in the original line-up wasn't.

Show previews
I swear there is a dude in the line up of skanks for the new season! He/she is in the back row in the extended commercial interspersed with the beat up "rocker" chicks.

The movie
Doesn't Michael J Fox get kicked off of his brother's team and is sitting on a bus bench, but then they need him for some clue and he saves the day. Or am I confusing this with that other scavenger hunt movie that had I think Martin Mull in it where they were competing for some rich guys money and it was

I am so happy that I am not crazy and imagined this candy bar. Lucky people overseas get the Curly Wurly at least that is the same. Seeing the page helped me remember the commercial as well and the whole premise of the Marathon was that you could not eat it fast, hence the name.

OK, in the US I swear there was another type of candy bar called a Marathon bar before Snickers took it over. It was caramel only and covered in chocolate and was shaped like an open braid. Does anyone remember this?

I want to thank you all for your help. I will check these out. Unfortunately I have to do most of this on-line, since Reno no longer has comic book stores! To me that is sad. Luckily the Amazon distribution center is only 40 miles away, really make free supersaver shipping a 1 day event.