
A collection?
I was a big comic book collector in the 80's and early 90's and I have the original comic books, lovingly bagged and filed. I have not collected for years, but would like to introduce my nephew to Watchmen, but there is no way he is getting his hands on my originals. Since I don't feel like going over

When are they
going to just face reality and change the name of this show. The only thing the "winners" get is their run of Covergirl commercials and then bye bye. I love the opening now that breezes over season one, sorry cycle one, showing Adrian. Since she criticized Tyra, it's like this cycle no longer exists.

You can actually buy these pretty easily, heck the local grocery store sells them. Look for the boxes of aplets or cotlets and they make mixed fruit ones as well, these are the best. They also make them chocloate covered and the other name for them is Turkish Delight.

I think that I would
rather drink a can of Slurm, and that comes from a queen space slugs butt, than any of these soda packs.

The ultimate taste test
Have one of these holiday Jones sodas and the Bertie Bot's Every Flavor Beans from the Harry Potter tie in. Tape it and post it on YouTube with a link for us clubbers!

Double Post Day
Everyone join in on the fun!

I have found my people. I have always hated Sublime and my "friends" always told me I was crazy they are great and they sing along to every goddamn song. So not only do I have to hear Sublime at every party with them I get to hear the Karaoke sing along as well. I actually stole the damn CDs once, but each of them

and New York

On an unrelated note
Why no DVD review of Bender's Big Score AV Club?

Thank you for the info. I will do that.

Reno Feed
Here in Reno, something weird happened during the show. It cut-off at the art gallery scene, went to commericals and then a bunch of weird NBC time filling animations came on showing the peacock tail changing. Then the same commercials came back on and more of the NBC animations. When the show finally

Thanks to everyone for some more insight on this problem. I did not notice the plants in the kitchen. That would explain the revival for a death issue, since it seems it is always like for like, i.e. human for human, animal for animal, etc.

Logic Issues
Ok I don't know if this was brought up before, but how can Ned use rotten fruit, bring it back, but have no consequences as he does with animals and people? Is there some sort of loophole I missed in an earlier episode? Barring that what about his not being able to touch anything again after bringing it

Best Part
Watching Coppola goad the very drunk Sheen into punching the mirror and cutting the shit out of his hand, and then using it exactly this way in the movie.

What a trip
I was out of college at this time and visiting my parents when this premiered. They had no idea what was going on.

She was old enough to have a Harvard student daughter in CSI as well. She really needs to get back with Grissom on CSI. Love Lady Heather hadted Sarah, so glad she is gone.

I'm with jacobus. Does anyone see this franchise the same as like Trek. Not many Terminator nerdfest conventions or any sort of rabid fan following.

Christopher Lambert has been in at least 7 movies? How Craptacular.

I agree with this list from The DirtyHippie as well. Love to see AD, but I don't think we can get Spaced on US DVD. I thought there were music rights issues that Lucas allowed them in the UK, but not in the US.

just sayin
I'm a fluffy bunny, a fluffy fluffy bunny