
sex, lies and videotape
I thought for sure James Spader would be on here. Starting with the above movie and the most disturbing Crash (Cronenberg's not the other one). Maybe it is just me, but I have always enjoyed his roles and his acting.

Jim Henson's Watchmen Babies.

I would so go see Watchmen Babies. Maybe they could make it into a Saturday morning cartoon and warp an entire new generation.

The honorable congresswoman from Vermont
I would definitely watch her Lifetime movie. With a special appearance by Lindsay Wagner, as the woman who helps her heal and love the dog that shot her.

Brady Bunch/Harry Potter movies
They did this for the TV version of The Brady Bunch movie, but it seemed they did more to make it be able to run in a 2 hour slot and there are only so many commercials you can shove in.

But I heard Frank Darabont's first script for the commercial was incredible…..

Check out the interview with the Clonus director on the newest MST3K vol 12 DVDs. The man got money from the studio for The Island ripoff of a bad bad movie. He was even a little hurt at first by the MST riffing, but came around to the fact that by them doing this more people saw this movie than when it first came

HA HA Final episode stunt casting. Love me some Phillip K Sebben

I think you should have done Striptease/Scarlet Letter as a tie. Not only did Demi ruin Striptease, she killed any chance of another Hiaasen novel making it on screen. First they take out all of the fun, add her and mix with Burt Reynolds and boy was it a mess.

I used to love Monstervision. No new books from Joe Bob, he has retreated into his real persona of John Bloom these days. I miss the drive-in.

How hard was it to not just like every monster movie MST3K used and add a few newer ones? C'mon you guys had to be tempted.

Actually it is Samhain.

miniatures + Tim Burton
Loved the obvious miniature sets in this episode, especially the rows and rows of windmills. Very early Tim Burton.

..but what's troubling you is the nature of my game..
Thanks graphic content for the reply, and yes it is a letdown. Never saw a Housewives episode and never will. I was hoping for MST3K magic and again was let down.

B. Miller
Watched in first run and loved Barney Miller. The pot brownies was one of the great, but my favorite was the dude who thought he was a werewolf. Yemana kept watching him and was sure he was getting hairier each time, and he then started howling with him. I would buy this entire series in a heartbeat.

Kind of off the subject
but, I met Clive Barker when Weaveworld came out and he was still good looking. What has happened to him recently? I saw him on that Bravo special and I did not even know it was Clive Barker until they put his name up on the screen. Seriously what is up?

I am LUUURRR of Omicron Persei 8
I think I would rather eat a poppler than a popper just from the visual alone. But only one.

It said the writer of this episode was Kevin Murphy, is this MST3K Kevin Murphy? Does anyone know?

"We really liked your movies, especially the early funny ones."

Holland Oates
You know his full name, not a two person group.