
Like I'll ever see any of them
Here in the lovely town of Reno, NV we will probably never see either of these. We did not get the dark chocolate ones until 6-8 months after they came out for everyone else in larger cities. Vegas probably has them though.

Since we never got to see the T-Rex that stalked the family in the series eat or stomp the annoying Chaka, could they do it in the movie. Maybe make him like Kenny and keep killing him in every scene, but he keeps coming back.

Bandana or hat tonight sir?
I loved that through the series he had his casual headgear and then the formal dress up for dinner bandanas. He is not totally bald, but you certainly could see the high widows peaks. That is why he had the stringy bits hanging in front. Come on dude just fess up and show us what it

Brit vs Nancy
Did anyone else see Nancy Grace busting a blood vessel on her show about this video over the weekend? I thought here brain was going to explode in all of her indignant righteousness. I felt sorry for Brit's kids, but I can only imagine what Nancy's poor child is going to grow up like.

The sandwich does have bacon, banana and peanut butter and I think it was called the fools gold loaf and it was from a restaurant in Colorado. This was one of Elvis' favorites. He flew a group to the restaurant one night and bought like 40 of the things and had them delivered to his private plane. They

I hate that it has gotten to this point
but, I ended up watching my Robot Chicken dvd season 2 instead of the Simpsons. Turned it off when Family Guy came on. I am sad that I have gotten to this point with The Simpsons, that I have watched since The Tracey Ullman show.

Colbert or Stebbins?
While watching The Simpsons I was trying to figure out why Phillip K. Stebbins was doing the guest voice. I thought he was dead.

Of course I meant Dr. Seuss, with 2 esses.

Like Hamlet's stepfather another Dane who should die!
To Prep H: Steve Carell is in Horton Hears a Who with Cook. So we have Dane Cook and another destruction of a Dr. Seus story.

Hugh Laurie yum yum
Would love to see House on here, hell just do anything with Hugh Laurie in it. Go back and do Black Adder, and Fry and Laurie, Jeeves and Wooster, and and and….Sorry lost my head there for a moment. I really like Hugh Laurie!

Hugh Laurie yum yum
Would love to see House on here, hell just do anything with Hugh Laurie in it. Go back and do Black Adder, and Fry and Laurie, Jeeves and Wooster, and and and….Sorry lost my head there for a moment. I really like Hugh Laurie!

So that's what happened…
Sting did not get Labyrinth so he got to use the character he made up for Dune. That really explains a lot.

Grimauld not Kobold
Boo boo on the Cave Dwellers refernce.

Weren't the weirdos in the movie Cave Dwellers called Kolbold warriors?

Hey Flash
Did you notice that TNT/TBS doesn't even worry about bleeping "shit" anymore? Surprised me when I was went by some movie in the afternoon and it was not censored.

To UK Valiant
You have to take Carlos Mencia too. This would be the deal breaker.

Really "Celebrity"….
Trumpy you can do stupid things!

To Van Hammer
VH1 has already done this twice. You should be able to link off of their website. You even get the Cheaters dude being stabbed, but the fun part, it was not even the #1 moment of reality tv's most shocking it was like #3.

Top Chef
Noel, I too watch Top Chef and Tre getting booted was a surprise, but when Sam got booted last season was so far out of left field I could not believe it.

Here boy
Hey Ganesh, you want a peanut buddy?