
No love for Emily, but her sin was she only thought she was better than she was - Kats-asshole was the worst. Even worse than Marcel.

She took a swig out of it already. I noticed she didn't offer to share either.

Likely because he was an asshole even then. Not about his legal status.

Thank you Randall, for subbing Amanda's for Kat-asshole! I can barely even look at his smug mug. The only good thing I can say about him is at least he didn't sabotage John. John handled him with class. BTW, that was low oh I mean strategic for Brooke to pair them.

That finale format was stupid without a doubt but don't forget both chefs had to deal with it. Who knows if she would have made it that far if Kirsten hadn't been eliminated early.

I agree. Honestly her bitter attitude and Death Glare all season, on top of the crappy (looking) dishes that should have sent her home earlier — I'm not rooting for her. Too bad she's not over losing her season but I'll say it again: Kirsten consistently beat her prior to Restaurant War Josie. Coming back from LCK to

It was sad to see Brooke go but it's unforgivable that she declared she was going the safe route by making a Greatest Hits goulash. Clearly she was exhausted and uninspired by the last challenge. She tried to phone it in to the finale and deserved to go home for it.

Haven't they brought back eliminated chefs for the finale in every season? So whoever you see may not be the finalist, but the help.

I hope Brooke didn't come back because she felt robbed of the prize. In her season, Brooke didn't start winning until after Kirsten was eliminated. Yes the live finale was a dumb idea, but they both had that disadvantage. Brooke didn't get robbed. I mean, come on. The fact Kirsten won an EC for making MUSHROOMS

You mean, IF she comes back. What's the time frame between elimination and LCK? They used to edit it as being pretty much immediately after you got axed.

Yeah, what. Are you on the wrong thread?

Yeah! I think they're better than the chronological recaps. And we got lots of thoughts this episode. Gotta like that.

I became a Casey fan during that Southern feast at that guy's house when she talked about food being a unifier "for celebrations, for generations…isn't food great?" with a tear in her eye. And the editing, all the happy smiles, it was perfect. That is love. Foodie love!

Right? I wonder how expensive TC is to produce. After all, PR has All-Stars and Junior, DWTS is twice a year, The Bachelor/Bachelorette is practically continuous, but the wait for TC seems like forever.

Also pissed off us viewers. You nailed it.

Except if it was me! Pick me! How can I get to be a Super Fan?

She's had to live with that beauty queen rep forever. Honestly I don't recall seeing her really play favorites. The judges have to be careful what they say because people jump at the chance to build a conspiracy, i.e. Tom controls the show, or the producers rigged it to keep drama, etc. When Parma tries to inject

I would go further and ban it entirely for the reasons you state, even the early SDQs because you can't know who's elite yet - only who's lucky and quick. The season lost a lot of spark when it took out darling JIm. That loss stomped all over my enthusiasm for TC and made me care less about any of them.

Why every week the Sam fixation? I've watched every season and I don't remember him, perhaps because the evil Marcel sucked all the air out of the room.

I didn't care for this snotty chef's criticisms, which were unnecessarily mean and unhelpful. These poor chefs had it bad enough without getting hammered by some snotty stranger. I hope he's world-renowned for something else besides ridiculous cronuts. Sorry.