
Naw, I don't buy it. Why is it assumed women would hate each other over
looks? When guys are jerks to each other, do you chalk it up to
jealousy? Nope.

The chefs' exhaustion was palpable last night. Watching them slog from one stressful challenge to another you had to sorry for them. Given lack of sleep and the constant threat of being eliminated, how can they be expected to reinvent the wheel in an hour. They looked miserable! Really didn't like that guest

It's a wonder that Emily won on Chopped. She clearly thought on her feet then but it goes to show Top Chef is a different show altogether. Having to interact extensively with seasoned chefs surely intimidated her too.

I think in Mike V's season under-salting was an issue and the judges' repeated complaint in a season with really good chefs. We're at that level now.

Oh oh, now that Kats-asshole and Emily are gone, is Tesar the newest locus of ire? It's like a schoolyard!

I've had good, I've had bad so I'm still not sure what it's supposed to be like yet. I plan to keep trying.

That slow clap made my blood boil. Good riddance, Kats-asshole.

She wouldn't be the first to do so. Lisa and Josie, anyone?

Maybe that exclamation was because there was the dreaded foam in that dish. Isn't that what those bubbles were?

Where does this thing about Padma threatened by beautiful women come from? What is the evidence?

Why John? He's on a redemption tour this season, and it really does seem he's mellowed. I sure do remember how awful he was, but I'm buying his act this season. He's working hard to keep everything chill, and especially with Kats-asshole. Under stress we can all revert to monsters. Still can't figure out how one can

I almost always ascribe to the best chef theory too, except when that chef is such a psycho he poisons the show. We can't taste the food, but we can argue the judges don't ascribe to absolute meritocracy either. Besides, how is Katsuji a good chef if he has to put 33 ingredients into his dish to make it taste good?

Nope. The right asshole went home. She's not a hateful mf like toxic Katsuji. She's just in over her head and getting humble pie in her face every challenge. Hopefully she'll learn but she won't win so relax.

I did a little jig when that asshat finally, FINALLY got kicked out. There is justice in this world after all. I hope I never see that guy piss all over another show ever again.

The fact Katsuji can't make anything without throwing in the kitchen sink tells me he's not a chef. He could never appreciate how a perfect steak only needs salt, or that a perfect peach needs nothing at all. The judges said it - look at all the things he threw into those beans to counteract whatever he threw in just

Thank you, I so agree. But weird that as much as we claim to hate watching the jerks and drama queens on these shows, we rush over here to complain about 'em. Maybe that's why the producers keep bringing those jerks back!

No one's pulling a race card here, but optics do matter. Was it Vulture that had an article about the bachelor series always starting out with a few minority candidates that you just know are token? TC has no trouble awarding talent, race irrelevant. Yet it's noticeable if there's no diversity in an elimination show.

Emily is in way over her head, barely treading water and miserable. It's interesting how some chefs thrive in this type of competition and others just seem completely clueless and blindsided. They come in bragging about their mad skills (yeah JD) but just can't perform in this environment.

Rebecca was the one who bragged that she was a double-threat, equally good at sweet and savory. In the episode she was eliminated.

Some sushi restaurants offer the deep-fried shrimp head on the side with your shrimp nigiri; it's crispy and delicious. Presenting it already dunked into broth where it would turn soggy and shard-like was a bad idea.