Smacky the Frog

Reliant K's "The Anatomy of the Tongue in Cheek" is probably the only Christian pop music album I would still listen to today.

It's interesting to hear you say there's a stigma about athiesm. Maybe it's the crowd I hang around with and the people I choose to associate with, but I'm always the odd one out as the Christian. Even on this site I feel loathe to bring it up. It seems people assume they know everything about me, I must hate Obama

Around the time I stopped going to church there were so many that were changing over to this awful pop music quasi-religious songs in their services. I did not find it one bit reverent or enjoyable. Give me an old-fashioned hymn any day.

Yes, my last event was a party of 600, but we had a team of about 30 of us. Still, a long ass-busting day.

Wow, I don't know how you did that all by yourself, but ku-fucking-dos.

I cannot wait to get the hell out of here so I can gin.

We're having our party off-site tomorrow for the first time ever. It's at noon, open bar. Given how I feel right now about my bosses, I will be hitting it hard.

There's real time chat, plus you can PM which is nice if there's a particular thing you want to talk with someone about. I started a beer trade with someone over there. You can exchange personal information in the PM's without having to give an email, or post things where everyone can see.

There was a hilarious little local access TV comedy skit show that aired through most of the '70s and '80s here where I grew up and one season they sang these lyrics to "Auld Lang Syne"

"Christmas Shoes" existence is justified for me by Patton Oswalt's takedown of it. I'm glad it could have made that happen.

It's heartwarming to me since now I know that I'm not the only person around here with little-to-no tolerance of female singers. There are a few exceptions but for the most part I find them un-listenable! Mostly it's just the breathy, girly types. Give me an Ann Wilson any day.

I was kind of surprised there was no mention of that fantastic version of "Ave Maria" by Cornell and Eleven (Alain Johannes, Natasha Schneider R.I.P). It is so beautiful, it's a must-play for me every Christmas season.

Wow, Silkworm.

Did someone say beer?

I could probably leave too, but since I'm here I may as well make the day worth the drive in.

Dude, post it on TI Forum. I'd love to read that.

Including the "Gateway to Geekery : Devin Townsend" that you always wanted, but never knew how much you needed.

Solid plan.

I'm just sort of clock-watching til they tell us we can leave. I expect to be drunk by 3 PM. Tonight at my brewery it's Thirsty Dog tap takeover. Wee Heavy with Habanero Pepper!

Hey Dik. FYI, Guitar Center is giving away a cabin for the Prog cruise next year. You have to enter through Facebook (I had a friend enter for me) but who knows, I guess it's worth a shot. I know the chances of winning are about as good as Dev calling and inviting me personally, but what the hell, why not.