Smacky the Frog

Oh with oil and just a touch of brown sugar and cinnamon.

Plus depending on the angle of your monitor and/or placement of your keyboard sometimes you're hunching over and you don't even realize it. Sitting all day can actually be really detrimental.



I've been OD'ing on roasted squash lately. It's not so much work as people think it is. And it fills your house with the most delightful aroma.

That's the thrill!

Trust me (I'm 38) it gets way better as you get older.

Agreed, and I'll go you one better. My hormone-riddled teenage girl mind thought Winona was crazy for not blowing up the school and riding off into the sunset with Christian Slater.

She's so beautiful. I wanted to BE her.

Nice one. I was having a hard time perving in this particular category but you've brought me around.

I can't stand Steely Dan. It's the jazzy feel that turns me off.

I sat on a nest of fire ants at my aunt's house around that age. Didn't know it til they crawled up my shorts and started biting me. I don't know which was worse, the ant bites or the fact that my aunt pulled my clothes off right there on the tree lawn.

Points for trying. Weirdly this place feels different to me now. And sadly. :(

Tinky doesn't ring a bell, but maybe the comment style would.

Thanks Lurks. Please join me. I could talk about Dev all day. Yep Missunderstood. Ah back in the day. Thanks for being nostalgiac wit me!

That's brilliant. A topping like that is also good baked over eggplant, mixed with some cheese.

If that happens we'll just all have to move in together, commune-style.

Yes we are counting it down! I'm pretty excited to see Coliseum too. And the last time I was in this venue was QOTSA/Mastodon in 2001, so memories.

Zep III is definitely my favorite of their albums.

How DID you not know this? We don't distribute outside Ohio yet though, so it's only available in state.