Smacky the Frog

Cancer Bats owned that song. No one should attempt it again, ever.

Jericho is hilarious. But I cannot let his crowning achievement go unmentioned, his stellar voicing of Captain Spectacular on Devin Townsend Project's "Z2" the 2014 sequel to "Ziltoid the Omnisicient".

Elijah Craig Single Barrel and Angel's Envy come to mind on the sweeter end of the spectrum. I'm fairly new into whiskey as well, and it's taking me awhile to learn to pick up on nuances in flavor but I'm enjoying the hell out of the lesson.

Pretty excited about this for Ohio:

I came here to talk about butts. Looks like I'm in the wrong place. Meep.

Sad how many guys I meet that think dominance means you have to be abusive and degrading. You are absolutely correct. This shit in the media is not helping us.

I actually really enjoy the show which is weird because I actually have such contempt for his character. Yeah I have issues with the privileged, i'll admit it.

I want this on a shirt.

I love this album. I saw him on tour right after Odelay came out and he did the song "One Foot in the Grave" He was jamming on his harmonica and singing and had one side of the audience clapping their hands in time and the other side stomping their feet. That was it, no instruments, just us as accompaniment. It was

"The melodies are painfully simple and the lyrics are junior high-school level embarrassing." See also, KISS.

Excellent summation.

I had exactly one 'so-hot-for-each-other' experience like that where we went from living room floor, to up against the kitchen wall, to the bedroom. It was fucking everything you'd hope it would be

Oh Chamber how the hell are ya? I never come to this site anymore but had to pop in and see what they thought of this album. Good to see ya. :)

I can't believe I'm bothering to even jump in at this point.

Ooh that's exactly my order, with the tie and everything! Although I actually love The Hunter, it's just last on my favorites.

If we both came up with something miraculous in the next 2 weeks I would share a cabin with you and trust you not to suffocate me in my sleep.

Sorry to hear that.

Hey Dik. Is there any slim chance you're going on that cruise next month?

That study can kiss my ass.

It's so silly because most people know that these holidays are just estimated dates of Jesus' birth, death, etc. If you want to celebrate a fat man in a suit sliding down chimneys, or just take this as a time to let your friends/family know how much you care about them, then have at it. I can sit and reflect on