Smacky the Frog

Yes, I believe we know the same version. Child o' the '70s here as well.

We used to sing "poooooooor old Tom". Wait, what do I mean used to? We sing this every year. In a round!

We had "(something) eyeballs rolling in a bowl of blood"

He's totally my type in every way, but also there's something about him that gives me the delusional thought that I could get him if I had the opportunity. He just seems so cool and approachable. Let me have my delusions, they keep me going.

My ex-husband has this mentality. If I was mad, I was "being irrational" and "letting my feelings control me". If he was mad it was cause I "pushed him to it". There aren't enough fuck yous in the world, if you know what I mean.

I love the first Blade, but Donal Logue is in it so I'm biased. I thought his performance was excellent. The end with Blade and his mother was icky x 100.

"Child in the corner having odd body spasms" is enough nightmare fuel for me.

I just stand there washing my hands doing everything in my power not to glance in the mirror and still sort of having a strange urge to, even though I know it will just freak me out. And I can't sleep with a mirror in my bedroom that I can see around the room in.

He's too pretty. Like a Ken doll. I like my men….dirtier. Like they just got done digging a ditch. I'm early on the perving this week, but what else is new?


It's me and you on that one, Crowder!

I keep trying to bring back "sour pumpkins" cause it's the oldest I can remember. But it is NOT catching on.

Ah, Bellona. That was a world-class ass whipping.

Ah, rock and roll?? I was trying to go through the lyrics and think what sounded like that. "Whatever ya doooooooooo……don't tell anyone." So good.

I could so tell a story right here……

How much do you have saved so far for our cruise next year? I have $.42. Are you excited? I know I am!

I REALLY like this mix!


Fan-fucking-tastic, that made me hungry and I'm not much of a chicken person.

Why yes, I will spend the night, thank you.