Smacky the Frog


Well you really ruined his day BonerTime. It's an appropriate response.

I'm afraid people will find out what I masturbate to….(snot omelet)

I ain't scared of you, Bigguns! Bring it on. I believe in my Browns, (I have to by default of being born here). I'm not a shy one either so good luck trying to find a damn thing that you think could embarrass me with.

I love bets. I'm in.

During CSA season my kitchen almost always smells like rotting greens.

Never underestimate my laziness, or my apathy for that matter.

Oh boo hoo, sounds awful.

I feel bad too, they've already expressed their desire to be accommodating to us and I do think their hands were kind of tied. But I don't have the patience for this new format and I have a brand new boss who's already getting on my nerves and piling extra work on me, so I don't think I can do this. Later on, my

Killer Danzig song. What a great way to start an album.

Ooh, ooh do "Eat It" next!

NIce. I've been on a kick with the Groove and Studio 54 station on Sirius when I'm driving. I love me some disco/dance/soul/funk. It's impossiblke to be crabby when that music is on.

I'm fairly certain half of my comments have disappeared. It's…it's like I don't really exist… *runs to look in mirror*

I adore a good 'shroom soup. I think mushrooms and cheese (especially blue cheese) are my favorite foods. So apparently I like to eat fungus and mold.

I rolled my eyes at it and sighed, all passive-aggressive style.

You are right as it was, is, and forever shall be.

*passes Pig a bottle of moonshine* Here, this actually helps.

Yeah, it's not really working out for me. I'm trying, I'm not a quitter. But good Lord.

Congratulations! Sorry about that asshole hurricane, but it sounds like it was a nice comfortable atmosphere.

"Inappropriate!" Squeedle-dee-deeeeee!