Smacky the Frog

Happy birthday, Celebith! Enjoy your day!

My left arm muscles are still sore from putting dye in my hair and rinsing it out two nights ago. Last night I as was laying in bed I could feel my arm aching and assumed death by heart attack was imminent.

If I do in fact pack a bag and run away from my life and assume a new identity, as planned, I will attend on my train-hopping tour around the country. I will let you all know by carrier pigeon.

*sigh* That sounds like a lotta work.

Just been listening to the new Pelican album since I'm seeing them on Nov. 1st. It's awesome and I'm really excited about the show.


I fully expect to get weirdly emotional at the show. Really.

They are probably the first instrumental band I ever got really into. I'm psyched that Heller says this new album has more metal. Seeing them in about 3 weeks and I think it's going to be an amazing show.

It is SO interesting to hear your point of view. I prefer video games to movies/TV because of of the interaction. I find I get bored extremely easily just sitting and watching something. But in my case, music is the most important thing in the world because nothing else can cause such an emotional response in me. I

Oh Lupin dear, you know I love you. None of my post was pointedly at you.

My sister was about 12 when the Smash Mouth "Rock Star" came out and she used to sing it and it was adorable. It was like a silly little inspirational Kidz Bop tune. So yeah, that song's annoying, but harmless.

It's about on par for me. No, I'm going to give it to the mall goths, they tend to be less violent.

Where does she even bring up the two drummers?

Sever my leg? I'd looooooove to!

Sever my leg? I'd looooooove to!

Come the heck down to Blubbo's!

Voted this up SO hard.

Sadly…..you are not.

I got chills from the Kyuss riff.

I love that voice. "Hide some under your pillow for…..SECRET EATING" Definitely my most-watched toon/short.