Smacky the Frog

I already wrote that screenplay Hat, but it was titled "Don't Have to Love Cats, But Don't Assume I'm Lonely and Weird Because I Own One (or Several)" Too long?

I drank from 4pm Saturday to 3am! Victory Hop Devil on draft. Mmmm.

I was drunk all weekend as well (still angling for the Al Cpwne Weekend award) but did not consume much pop culture because I was camping most of the time. Thursday night however I managed to get a good 2 hours in on Portal 2 and I'm almost out of the testing chambers, so excited! My sister informed me that someone on

So glad your girlfriend is alright. I hate my neighborhood too. It's a shitty feeling to feel unsafe in your own home.

I approve of these categories AL. I just want to add that I also love the two newest albums, and I think Jar of Flies is awesome.

Well done, Doc.

*clings tightly to @LJo1:disqus *

But who will lead us in the rebuilding pro-cess?

Also Shuffle Thread is an awesome way to share similar music, I found out about some cool stuff there. Also all you amazing peeps who donated music when my hard drive was decimated. That was unprecedented. Fuck the haters!

God: "You're on your own."

I'm only going to post on Music: Hear This when it's a band no one cares about and there are less than 50 comments. Stay tuned for my pearls of wisdom and witty anecdotes.

At first I felt disoriented, then dizzy, then I broke out in a cold sweat. If I hadn't closed that browser window when I did, well who knows what would have happened.


Me too. If someone posted views I really identified with on a regular basis then I'd go check out their profile and see if we had a favorite band or anything in common. Nerdy, but true. Then I'd usually follow that person too. I like the follow feature, but haven't been able to follow certain users that don't have an

I already get a near panic-attack on Wednesday mornings. I don't know if I can keep it up with the changes.

There's that Directory that someone compiled too, those inclined can add Twitter or an email. I already talk to about 5 commentors by email but I wouldn't mind making sure some of us can keep in touch. If I haven't mentioned yet, THIS BLOWS

There are some features here I don't care for, guess what I don't click on them!!! Pretty fucking smart, eh?

@avclub-a452630477eb936fd36fc9a9542d4598:disqus Oh my God Spicy that's REALLY sad. Stop it you're making me cry!

@avclub-a452630477eb936fd36fc9a9542d4598:disqus Well who doesn't? MARSHALAAAAAADE

@avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus My list of crushes here needs its own Newswire.