Smacky the Frog

*sheds clothes, pops champagne, cranks stereo* Whooooooooooooo!

Well I guess I'll have one more semi-productive day added to my work week. THIS BLOWS

*shakes fist at sky*

@avclub-58238e9ae2dd305d79c2ebc8c1883422:disqus Can you tell me a little more about this Pop Tart? Did it get along with the other tart in the sleeve? Like were they happy?

I'm on my 3rd drink, slowpoke.

Sadly he has not been seen in years. I think they broke his taste buds.

That's because I won with "Lightly Salted". Sorry man, my idea was just superior.

I like mayo on grilled cheese. But then again I'm fucking gross and I like mayo on a spoon. So, no one listen to me.

MELT!!!!!!!! The Independence location has the hottest bearded server. Plus the food is delish.

Salt and Pepper is the best chip flavor ever. And yes, Kettle does it better than anyone else. High-five, Brendon Small.

Yes, I had to go back and look too. That moose means business.

Nah, I'm a Pepsi person. I can't have caffeine so it's rare I find a cola I can have. But when I do crave cola I will seek out caffeine free Pepsi. Also, Whole Foods brand Cola is pretty tasty.

It's close enough, man.

The Lay's Spicy Ketchup chips are awesome. As are Dill Pickle. I'm not a big potato chip person in the first place so that's saying a lot for me.

2 different episodes, 2 different fairies

Oh Stimpy! I LOVE my new tooth!

I just bought Skeleton Crew for a few bucks at a thrift store but haven't had the balls to start re-reading it yet. His short story collections are definitely my favorites. I just don't know if I want to put myself through that again.

When I saw I that picture all I could hear in my head was "Oh my ice creeeeeeaaam bar"

I don't expect most men to know the names for the specific ladyparts, I doubt I would if I didn't own them myself. I prefer cock to penis as well, penis sounds like something that would smell bad. Thank God for euphemisms.

For me it's bad breath. I cannot be around chronic bad breath. I had to break up with a guy I really liked because it was just unbearable.